Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module Five Short Answer

Module Five Short Answer

Q Overview For this assignment, you are asked to pick a cultural work from any time period and culture and evaluate how the insights you collected help indicate the value of the object to the culture. Prompt After making your selection of a cultural work, consider the items below. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: • Describe the selected work. • Describe the time period the work belongs to. • Determine the culture the work belongs to and describe its value to that culture. • Explain how the cultural work helped deal with specific societal issues of the time.

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For this week’s assignment, I have selected The Belvedere Torso. It is a marble statue of a tall and muscular man from the 1430s. This fragment of the statue was found in Rome in the 15th century. The sculpture holds multiple perceptions and myths attached to it. The sculpture is also believed to be Heracles, who is known as a divine hero in Greek Mythology. It is observed that Heracles is seated on an animal hide, skin of the Nemean lion.